
Monday, 25 September 2017


  • You can fix 99% of individual Android application bugs or crashes by either uninstalling the culprit or wiping its cache(e.g problems with google play or similar android stock apps are solve either by wiping the cache or factory reset)
  • It is advisable to always be on the latest firmware upgrade for your phone
  • Basic software glitches(like 45% of common software problems) can be solved by simply restarting your phone
  • Another 30% of  software issues can be solved doing a within-the-phone factory reset(also known as soft reset)
  • 10% percent of advance software problems can only be fixed when you perform a hard reset of your from the boot menu
  • Another 10% can be fixed when you to a complete firmware restore of the phone
  • Am afraid the last 5% can only be solved when you get a free replacement from the manufacturer(in case you are covered by a warranty) or you buy anther phone.
  • 95% of software problem on phones occur as a result of wrong use of the phone by users or abuse
  • 5% of phone problems is due to factory defects.
  • To avoid software bugs, please think twice before being among the very first to buy a new phone when it is released. let others test it first.
When it comes to solving software related issues(especially o modern phones) you will hardly see any amateur that will beat me to eat. i have solved many problems for different people and I do not take any software issues on my phones to any engineer. If I can’t solve it, the engineer won’t be able to solve it (unless he is replacing the PCB)

WHEN YOUR PHONE Won’t TURN ON AT ALL:This the most dreaded thing that can happen to your phone. Before we proceed, please make sure yours is not due to drained battery or damaged battery or faulty power switch. If your phone simply dies on you for no known reaosn(although it must have been giving you signs which you ignored). Now do the followings to force your phone to wake up.
  • For older generation phones like Nokia java, Symbian, Tecno java and so on, please take the phone to a phone engineer once it is dead.
  • For all iPones(mind you, iPhones hardly dies except you jailbreak and install incompatible tweaks on it) well if it gets stuck, try a soft reset on the iPhone by pressing your home button and the power button simultaneously. The iPhone should come up. If this fails, please restore your iPhone firmware via iTunes on PC or Mac.
  • Still on iPhone, any other problems that you notice apart from your phone refusing to turn on or your phone being stuck at the apple logo can be solved either by a restart, uninstalling the buggy app or by resetting the device under settings>>general>>reset>>reset all settings
  • Now to Android;  If your Android device appears to power on and boot up normally, but a problem occurs — maybe the boot process fails, the device freezes, or it immediately reboots or shuts off — there may be a problem with your device’s software.
    First, you’ll need to access your device’s recovery mode. Turn the device off completely, then boot it up with one of the following button combinations:
    • Hold Volume Up + Volume Down + Power.
    • Hold Volume Up + Home + Power.
    • Hold Home + Power.
    • Hold Volume Up + Camera.
    This will vary from device to device. If none of these combinations works, try performing a Google search with the name of your device and “recovery mode” to find the correct key combination for your device. The device will boot to a screen with an Android and an open chest panel if you’re successful. Press the Volume Up and Volume Down buttons until the Recovery mode option appears on the screen. Press the Power button and your device will reboot into recovery mode. The steps are self-explanatory once you enter recovery mode.
Unresponsive Screen:
You may want to throw your phone against the wall when it begins to malfunction, but there isn’t a need to panic. Most problems are fixed with a simple restart.
Press the power button and let the phone turn off, but wait a minute or two before powering it back on. In the extreme cases, do a factory reset has explained above

Battery Drain ( A dedicated post coming on this soon):
     Still, on Android Numerous users have reported problems with the battery life of their devices. One of the easiest ways to prolong your smartphone’s battery is to change your locations and brightness settings.
Enter the settings menu, click on Location and select battery-saving mode. As for brightness, you should avoid using auto-brightness and instead turn your screen down somewhere below halfway, or to a level that is acceptable for your eyes.

Android App Crashes:  On an android phone, you might get a message like “unfortunately **** has stopped working” .Apps can crash for all sorts of reasons. Is there an update available for either the app or your phone? If so, install it. If not, force close the app by swiping it away in the multitask menu and then reopen it. If not please wipe that cache of that particular app.

Frozen And Slow User Interface:One of the major causes of slow response in phones is the memory. It may even be a corrupt Microsd card or your internal memory getting filled up.. Try deleting unused apps and photos, or moving them to the cloud or a microSD card. In addition, you should close open apps that you are no longer using, delete app cache, and limit the use of live wallpapers.

Synchronization ?Syncing error:We are still on Android.There are numerous steps you can take to address problems with syncing. First, ensure that you are connected to the internet and that the service you are trying to sync with, such as Google, emails or Dropbox, isn’t down. Double check that your password is correct and try syncing again.
Still having problems? Remove the account from your device and add it again.

Overheating Of Android Phones:Most Android can get really warm. Try not to use your phone while you’re charging it and don’t use high CPU-sucking apps, like Pokemon Go or Facebook, for long periods of time. If it starts getting warm, give your phone a break.
If you don’t do these things, and your phone still gets hot to the touch, then you may want to get it looked at by a professional. This could be a sign of a manufacturer defect.

Apps Won't Download On Android Via Default Download Manager:To start with, I do not use the stock android browser or chrome to download on my android phone. I use ucweb browser because it supports download resume and it is extremely fast for downloading. There may be two causes for your apps not downloading. First,  try clearing Google Play store’s cache. If that doesn’t work, try wiping Google Play’s history. The problem is probably a corrupt cache and all you need to do is clear it. Open the Google Play store and tap on the three lines in the upper left of the screen to open the app’s menu. Choose Settings and tap on Clear local search history.

Android Home screen is Congested:
Every time you get a new app, a new icon is added to your home screen.A fix to that: Open the Google Play app, then tap Menu > Settings and clear the check box next to Add icon to Home screen.

Fix For Any Google Services Crashing Including Google Play Store:The problem is probably a corrupt cache and all you need to do is clear it. Go to Settings> Applications> All Apps> Google Play Store(or any other google services like> Storage and select Clear Cache. Restart your phone and the problem should be fixed.

How TO Prevent Your Phone From Developing Software Problems:You need to stick to the following habits if you do not want to get into software problems with your phones
  • Upgraded your software as soon as it is released
  • Don’t ever allow power to be interrupted while upgrading your software.
  •  Do not multitouch any application. Let your application respond or crash on it’s own. do not try and open it multiple times because it did not respond the first time
  • avoid using a corrupt memory card. it can hang or kill your phone
  • Avoid using memory card bigger than the one recommended by the manufacturer. If the phone’s manufacturer says maximum of 4gb. Use max of 4g not 8gb
  • Delete immediately and app that is crashing or freezing
  • Buy a phone from a reputable seller that will give you warranty
  • Install the latest software upgrade immediately it is pushed to you. The manufacturers knows best
  • If you are a normal user and you do not want to encounter any serious software problems, “Avoid Jailbreaking” your apple device. Jailbreak should be left to geeks and developers or anyone who knows the risks
  • Avoid using your iPhone as a wifi hotspot for extended periods of time. If possibel do not use it at all
  • Read reviews of an app before downloading it to your iPhone
  • Do not always allow your iPhone to die completely before recharging
  • Do not use fake iPhone charger
  • Note down your iPhone’s software version and build in case of emergency you can find this under>>settings>>General>>About. Take not of the most important things here like the model, serial number, imei…
  • Finally, avoid using any CPU-hogging app extensively
  • Do not use your iPhone while charging
To Prevent Your Android From Having Software Problems:
Virtually almost everything that is applicable to the care of an iPhone is also applicable to the care of an Android with few exceptions as follows:
  • Buy your android from a trusted source with warranty
  • If you want to be a clean android user, do not Root your android device. Just like Iphone JB, this is for the geeks
  • Restart /reboot your Android every once in a while even when it is not hanging
  • If you do not also want any software problems for your android. Avoid downloading application outside of the googleplay store
  • Immediately you buy your android phone, please goto settings>>about then write everything you see there in a safe place. this may help you in the future when your phone needs a complete firmware restore.
  • Avoid custom roms for your android if you are not a geek.
  • When you are upgrading your phone’s firmware, do not allow your battery to die in the process.
  • Always quit unused apps running in the background with the multitask button
  • Do not allow your available storage to get filled up for whatever reason. Always keep a tab on this.
  • Make sure your Bluetooth is not left opened unnecessarily and watch the phones from which you receive files
  • Do not use a corrupt memory card if your android has a memory card slot.
  • Avoid fake charger and accessories
  • do not operate your phone while charging it.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017


Image result for stolen android phone

This system of tracking a stolen has improved since subsequent years, formally, we used maverick secured mobile to track and retrieve phone book through sms format, But today, we have a whole lot of app that help you locate the address of your stolen phone, like getting to know the very compound/apartment.
Step 1: visit and download phone locator pro.
Step 2: turn on your GPS.

If you happen to lose your phone, use a third party android to trace your phone. You will get the map, scrutinize it.

Monday, 18 September 2017


1.   Put your tablet/android on “Safe mode/flight mode” by holding down the power to access safe/flight mode menu.
2.   Open settings and choose “APP “, then make sure you are    viewing the “Downloaded” tab.
3.   Observe the app that is looking quite different from others,    also look out for apps that shouldn’t be running on your phone e.g.,  App you didn’t install.
4.   Tap on the malicious app to open the app info page
5    Tap Uninstall to remove the app that is carrying the virus.

In some cases, you will find uninstall button greyed out. This is because the virus has given itself “Device Administrator Status”. To demote that app from the level of Administrator, Simply follow the steps below:
1.   Go to Settings- Security- Device Administrators
2.   Observe the list of apps that are with the Administrator status
3.   Look for the applications you want to remove and “unmark” the
4.   Tap “Deactivate” on the next screen.
5.   Go back to “Downloaded App” to Uninstall and remove the malicious app.
6.   Restart your phone and remove it from “Safe mode” .That’s it


Image result for android device manager

1.   On a computer or other mobile phone, visit: manager
2.   Sign in using your Google login details that you also used on your locked phone
3.   In the ADM interface, select the device you need to unlock (if it isn’t already selected)
4.   Select ‘Lock’. In the appearing window, enter a temporary password. You don’t have to enter a  recovery message. Now click ‘Lock’ again.
5.   If it was successful, you should see a confirmation below the box with the buttons Ring, Lock and  Erase. On your phone you should see a password field in which you should enter the temporary password. This should unlock your phone.
6.   Go to your Phone’s lock screen settings and disable the temporary password.


The telephone is truly a remarkable invention, it is probably the world’s greatest time saver. It plays an important role in almost every business, no matter how small or large. The mobile phone can also become your ‘business partner”. By realizing its capabilities and potentials, this little device can assist anyone to operate a profitable business. There is no age limit or sex barrier, you can operate from any location as long as you have a phone.

To get started, you need to know the following;
1. Find a genuine product or service to market,
2. Be prepared to spend on advertising either on Newspaper, online, offline and so on.
3. Finally, develop the skill before venturing to market and sell your product/service.
4. Finally, remember to call for my bank details when the money starts coming.

Here are 20 business you can do with your mobile phone.
1.       Makeup and beautification business: This is a very sensitive profession as you will be dealing with people’s body, either by massaging, Face scrubbing, steam bathing, manicure, pedicure and Spa in general. There is a very big need to learn the skill before broadcasting your message.
2.       Hair Styling: Some top society ladies prefer hair dressers to come to their house to do their Hair, if you build a long list for such clients, you are sure to have your phone ringing from time to time. Advertise your service and wait for calls to start coming. If it happens that you could not meet up the demands, contact other hair dressers and send them to the houses of those clients that you already have contract with. Remember to charge above normal price.
3.       Buying and Reselling: You can buy a commodity at a cheap price, and take to another area where the products from village to cities, while others take new or scarce product to villages. Some other do the same thing by just moving a product from a big market to a smaller market without leaving their state. You can call different source to verify the price or availability of a commodity and see if it’s possible for you to help out.
4.       Organizing evening/weekend classes: If you really think you have passion for teaching, you can earn extra money by organizing coaching classes for individuals that would love to know. It can be a Dancing, Singing or acting classes, Math’s/ English, driving, swimming or whatever class. Just advertise your service and wait for your phone to start ringing.
5.       Running Day care service: You can acquire a small space in your area and go ahead to nearby schools to create awareness to parents about your new day care outfit that is set out to help working class and business ladies take care of their babies till they come from work. But you must love children before venturing into this.
6.       Event/Interior Decoration: If you already have this skill, great, if you don’t have it, learn before you take it to the next level by publicizing it. Make it known to everyone both near and far, look for opportunities to showcase your skill for free, and before you know it people will start inviting you with money in hand. TO BE CONTINUED


There are few original batteries in the West African market, the drawback is that most imitation batteries are actually mistaken for original. To confirm the authenticity of a mobile phone battery dial the following codes below depending on phone specification.
Stop using a non-original battery, it may invalidate your phone warranty, thereby resulting to poor performance and damage to your device. For best performance of your phone, always make sure to purchase original battery with it.

Dial *#*#4636#*#* and you will see “Battery information” tap view
Dial *#8375# or *#*#6436#*#* for techno android, tap to view battery information.
Dial *#*#4636#*#* and check for “Li-poly Battery “under “battery information”
Dial *#*#6436#*#* check for “Li-poly Battery “under “battery information” 
Dial 2945#*# or *#*#4636#*#* for LG Android and tap to check battery technology
Dial*#0228# and check for Battery information

When your phone Battery information shows :
1.       Type; Unknown Battery = Fake Battery

2.       Type; 1000mah/ Li-on = Original Battery


It is your duty to guard yourself from buying fake Imitation devices. If you want to buy any phone, enter the code numbers below to confirm the originality.
Asian continent led by China have flood the Nigeria market.counterfeit phones. Unfortunately the so called china phones appear to be the dominant product in the market and shops all over Nigeria, they are cheaper, comes with dual SIM slots, In most cases, to the Unsuspecting buyers, they might claim to be any of the original approved phone type, whereas, they are mere imitation.

NOKIA: *#92702689#
SAMSUNG: *#0228#
TECNO: *#8375# or *#4636#*#* for Tecno Android
HTC: *#*#4636#*#*
LG: 2945#*#
SIEMENS: *#0582#
ITEL: *#*#4636#*#*
ANDROID: *#*#4636#*#*
INFINIX: *#*#4636#*#*
BLACKBERRY: SHIFT+ALT+H, Hold down the 3 keys simultaneously
SONY: *#*#4636#*#*
MOTOROLA: *#402# or #02#

Wednesday, 13 September 2017


I PHONE X . Exp Release 2017 September

Also called the Apple iPhone 10, Apple iPhone Ten, has a new look to it unlike  the previous 7 and 8.

TechnologyGSM / CDMA / HSPA / EVDO / LTE
Announced2017, September
StatusComing soon. Exp. release 2017, November
Dimensions143.6 x 70.9 x 7.7 mm (5.65 x 2.79 x 0.30 in)
Weight174 g (6.14 oz)
- IP67 certified - dust and water resistant
- Water resistant up to 1 meter and 30 minutes
- Apple Pay (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX certified)
TypeSuper AMOLED capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors
Size5.8 inches (~82.9% screen-to-body ratio)
Resolution1125 x 2436 pixels (~458 ppi pixel density)
ProtectionScratch-resistant glass
- Dolby Vision/HDR10 compliant
- Wide color gamut display
- 3D Touch display
- True-tone display
OSiOS 11
ChipsetApple A11 Bionic
Card slotNo
Internal64/256 GB, 3 GB RAM
PrimaryDual 12 MP, f/1.8 & f/2.4, phase detection autofocus, OIS, 2x optical zoom, quad-LED (dual tone) flash
FeaturesGeo-tagging, simultaneous 4K video and 8MP image recording, touch focus, face/smile detection, HDR (photo/panorama)
Video2160p@24/30/60fps, 1080p@30/60/120/240fps
Secondary7 MP, f/2.2, 1080p@30fps, 720p@240fps, face detection, HDR, panorama
Alert typesVibration, proprietary ringtones
LoudspeakerYes, with stereo speakers
3.5mm jackNo
- Active noise cancellation with dedicated mic.
- Lightning to 3.5 mm headphone jack adapter
WLANWi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, dual-band, hotspot
Bluetooth5.0, A2DP, LE
NFCYes (Apple Pay only)
USB3.0, reversible connector
SensorsFace ID, accelerometer, gyro, proximity, compass, barometer
MessagingiMessage, SMS (threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Email
BrowserHTML5 (Safari)
- Fast battery charging: 50% in 30 min
- Qi wireless charging
- Siri natural language commands and dictation
- iCloud cloud service
- MP3/WAV/AAX+/AIFF/Apple Lossless player
- MP4/H.264 player
- Audio/video/photo editor
- Document editor
Non-removable Li-Ion battery
Talk timeUp to 21 h (3G)
Music playUp to 60 h
ColorsSpace Gray, Silver
PriceAbout 1200 USD
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